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Eddie & Thelma Lewis
Eddie and Thelma Lewis were both community leaders and committed their lives to helping support the youth and families of that area.

Thelma Haliburton Lewis played a crucial role in the developing of a Head Start program in Morton Texas.
She was one of the first teachers with this program and helped many young childern finish school.
Thelma, before teaching, worked with Cochran County helping families find the support needed through providing WIC services, and job placement.
She volunteered many hours working with and supporting unfortunate families, housing those in need, providing food for hungry children and families, visiting the nursing homes and hospitals frequently, and supporting youth programs.
Thelma loved and was very active in her church, New Trinity Baptist Church, where she was a teacher and sang in the choir. She worked many hours in the community and gave over 20+ years in the School District before retiring. Thelma died January 21, 1996 of cancer.
She is remembered in this community heavily and will definitely be missed.
Eddie Lewis also worked for the Cochran County School District. He was a custodian and bus driver for Morton High School. Eddie also played one of the most important roles in many of the youth in this community.
He volunteered many many hours helping youth by providing sports programs thru open gym, coaching, hosting tournaments and contests, worked with the Boy Scouts Of America, umpire for the baseball league, referee for the basketball teams. He volunteered his time helping kids believe in themselves, he supported the sports and attended all games.
He was a motivator for every kid who had a dream of someday playing professional sports or just to reach a dream. He was the Sunday School Superintendent of New Trinity Baptist Church.
He believed in education and spent his life making sure his kids, grandkids, and kids in the community gave their all and attended college becoming productive citizens of the world but more importantly he inspired them all to GIVE BACK.​
Eddie died October 16, 2007 with complications dealing with Alzheimer's.
He will never be forgotten in this community, when you walk into the gymnasium in Morton you see nothing but trophies and banners that demonstrate the fruits of his labour.​
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